This storyboard shows the film in the form of a music video adaptation. This particular extract showcases the film's antagonist - "Anthony" making his dramatic entrance into the bar, although in a far less daunting manner than is presented in the film itself. Here, Anthony is presented as bursting through the door to surprise the characters, before letting out a heartfelt song in order to explain his back story, rather than the serious dialogue spoken in the actual film. The framing of the camera is almost identical to the original storyboards for the film, with no movement of the camera present for this particular shot either. The character's movement is represented by the motion marks around his arms, representing them rising into the air as he releases his joyous tune upon the world. The music notes create additional atmosphere and clearly portray the intentions of the music video adaptation. Unlike the original storyboards for the film, the lighting shown here is not as dark - with a spotlight instead being cast upon the character to emphasise his presence. Evidence of shading is present behind the character from the door behind him, whilst lines coming from the characters mouth and into the open air emphasise the power in his voice.
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