Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Location Scouting Sheets

The three Location Scouting Sheets above each focus on one location, presenting various pieces of necessary information concerning the scenes and more prominently the locations themselves.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Risk Assessment Form

Risk assessment form again from J_Scott01

The above Risk Assessment Form details every possible risk that we may encounter when filming and how to combat it, this helps to create a safe working environment for not only the crew but the filming locations also.

Sunday, 24 December 2017


This Stripboard was used in order to document the planned out shooting locations and dates, detailing various pieces of information that would be useful upon filming these particular segments.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

"The Loop" Storyboards

The three sheets worth of storyboard above show the story of "The Loop" through sketches and descriptions of key scenes. A storyboard box is present for almost almost every key time the camera changes angle to show a different event happening within the scenes, which progresses the story right until the end.

Friday, 15 December 2017

"The Loop" Shooting Script

The Loop Script from J_Scott01

After consistently writing for a couple of weeks, the document above is the result of my original idea being translated into a fully-fledged shooting script for use during the film's production. I have written approximately three and a half pages, making the finished production hopefully 5 minutes long or less - if this is not the case, a line or two may have to be cut. Copies of this shooting script will be used whilst filming on location, as well as in-studio for guidance on the actor's lines and queues.